Color Tattoos by Ashlyn

Bold, Bright, and Beautiful. Color tattoos are always a great option for tattoo collectors.

Color work is often the boldest way to show off your tattoo. The bright and vivid colors stand out and make a statement. With each color you use, you can create a beautiful design that will last a lifetime. With the right tattoo style and size, you can achieve a unique and eye-catching design that will be sure to turn heads.


Check Out Ashlyn's Other Work

Ashlyn joined The Tattoo Gallery of Ocala in June 2022 as a tattoo apprentice. She has been working with her mentors Gregg and Breanna ever since to learn the ins and outs of the tattoo world. She is now entering in to her first year as an official tattoo artist! Ashlyn graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design with her Bachelors of Fine Arts with a focus on animation in 2021. She enjoys creating bright and bold tattoos, and with her background in fine arts she is fully capable of creating realistic and elegant designs too! Give her a challenge, she's ready for what you got!